Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Man Who Changed the World, Steve Jobs

I'm still wrapping my head with the release of the new Iphone 4S and how excited I am with the new features it has and making me think how am I going to sell my fairly new IPhone4.  I opened my Facebook account and what greeted me was the news that Steve Jobs, founder of the Apple Inc., has passed away on October 5, 2011. He was 56.

He contributed so much with most of our lives.  With the gadgets he introduced to the world, the world became smaller and life a little easier. How?  IPhone connected us with our love ones.  It got better when the face time was introduced.  Now I can get to see my kids when I'm away, even when I'm out of the country.  My son who is taking up nursing has a lot of big fat books that he carries most of the time.  With the IPad, he downloads those book and reads, highlights and write notes on it.  I too, buy books online and read them whenever I can.  I listen to my audio books with my IPod nano which I also use as a watch.  My son listen to his music with his IPod.

We are an Apple Mac family.  We like Mac because we have very little problems with it's laptops and computers. I love his creations.  I'm even craving for more.

I know that, Apple is ok, even without Steve Jobs.  He didn't do all of these things by himself.  He had some help and those that he helped and helped him, Steve left a part of him to those people.

He also some parts of him to us, the users of his creations and even to those who don't, to those who he touched the lives who met him, saw him and who heard him live, recorded, online and on youtube. He made geeks cool.

Steve Jobs talk on how to live your life.

Thank you, Steve. You changed the world!

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