As I said in my previous blog I was also a Photographer. I got my first camera when I was in middle school. Just don't ask what grade that was. It will give away my age. Hahaha. But When you see the cameras you might get an idea of my age.
It was a 110 film camera which I saved up for. I think it was for P200. It was color red, I think it was a Minolta, but it looks like the camera below. You just put the film, which is also shown below, at the back of the camera.
I had 2 or 3 35mm point and shoot cameras after this. I just don't remember what are the brands. Having a camera back then was a privilege and I took care of my cameras. I didn't care of the model of the camera back then. As long as that I have a camera and it took pictures I don't care of the model or brand. Cameras back then didn't have a zoom. So I don't have the luxury of taking guerilla shots.
My next camera which I rarely use was a Polaroid Captiva camera. I rarely use this because the film was so rare and expensive. I still have this up to this day. It's kinda bulky, but it folds up shown below. and the pictures develop within minutes. The picture is smaller than usual polaroid camera. It's not square, like the usual polaroid pictures. It's rectangular with the white border on both sides.

Then I have this Advance photo system camera which you just drop the Advantix film when you turn over the camera on the bottom. More or less the camera below on the left is the one I had back then, but it was black. But I can't forget the camera on the right. It was a sports camera which you can submerge it underwater and you slide the film on the side.
Now the digital age. My first digital camera was a Kodak 1MP, which my mom bough from Hong Kong after my Dad passed away. I think this just came with a 64MB CF card during that time. Hey, it was just a one megapixel camera. Technology changes so fast that I had a hard time selling it, I gave it as a gift to a family.

My next digital camera was a Canon G3. I love this camera. But it broke down, so I gave it away and the person who has this just gave me gas money and he had it fixed.
I wanted to learn to use an SLR, so I bought a 2nd hand film slr camera from my cousin. It was a Nikon with a tamron lens. I should have taken a picture of it and I can't remember the model anymore. Just as long I have an SLR camera to learn professional photography, again I didn't care. Besides, it's the photographer is the one who takes great pictures not the camera. With the help of the lens. I still feel that it doesn't matter what camera you use, as long as you have the right settings and lens, they all have the same function and quality.
My Mom bought an point and shot camera when she went to the US. So she bought a Canon IXUS 430. It uses the CF card. CF card back then cost 15k for a 2gig. Now you can buy a 32 gig CF card for 1/3 of the price.
I sold this one to an office employee and bought the Canon Ixus 80. I love this camera, if I'm not using the DSLR or the semi-DSLR. Also, it came free with a Ray-Ban sunglasses. This one already use a SD card.
Now for my DSLR. My first one is the Canon 300D. I don't know why I shifted to Canon during that time, since my first SLR was a nikon. My son, thanked me that I'm not a nikon user because most of his friends uses nikon but always set on automatic which is a waste of money for me. Why buy a complicated camera to use it as a simple point and shoot, which you can buy for a fraction of the price? Anyway, going back to my son, most of his friends would ask him how to take picture for them using the manual settings. I practically forced him to study photography, along with his cousin. But he doesn't know the functions of Nikon. Now, Nikon is so popular because Oprah listed it as one of her most favorite things. Still, I'm sticking with Canon. I already have a lot of camera lenses and since my mom passed away, I don't have the time or the creative mind to use my cameras.
Going back to my Canon 300D, it was good but I was bothered with my unit. I had it cleaned at Canon service center and yet there are still black patches on the photos. So I sold it to my photographer friend and he was the one who had it cleaned again. He was also the one who went with me to buy this camera.
After I sold this one, I bought the Canon 350D. I used this a lot and so does my son. Ever since he enjoyed photography. Our schedule of using the camera came to the point that we need it at the same time and I end up with the point and shoot camera. So I bought my last DSLR camera. But I sold this one too, after my mom passed away. Rather than getting it stuck in a sealed box so that moisture won't get to it, I sold it for someone who can use it for his business.
My last DSLR camera is the Canon 50D. I bought this so my son can use the 350D anytime he wants, when my mom was still with us. But since, my mom passed away, I only got to use it for a few months. Now, my son is the one who's using the 50D. When he's in the mood to lug it around. It's a heavy camera. He asked me to bring it to the US when we went there. As long as I was not the one bringing it, it was ok with me. But in the end, I was the one who brought it home he got to bring the Canon G11.
I bought my last camera, the Canon G11 for our US trip. I didn't want to lug the 50D, that's why I bought this. I love this camera. Not only it has some of the function of a DSLR, it has video too. It may not be as light as a point and shoot but it's lighter than a DSLR. I also love the movable LCD so I can take my own photo with using the timer and the tripod.
Hopefully, someday I can go back doing artistic or events photography. I miss it already. But not the family events photography. I can't enjoy the family events and I don't get paid for it either, not like other events. Hehehe.
Someday, I'll blog about the lenses and accessories of my cameras, when I get the chance to use them.